Name the Hump


I call her the Big Island, The Big Island of Hawai’i. The Hawaiians call their land “Aina” or “Hawai’i nei”. 10 years ago, some political types thought we should change the name to just Hawai’i.
Seems it was confusing to some business travelers, as the island of Oahu is considered by some the “Main island” because of its big city Honoluluand yes Waikiki. Mauiis copyrighted and no one confuses Kauaiand Molokai, just us.
Well the name change didn’t go over so well with us Kama’anias (locals) or the Malihinis (visitors) either, so we still say Big Island.
Who knows maybe the next guy will just number them. But which would be #1? Well the Big island of course. We are the youngest at one year in some places to 1/2 million years old in others compared to Kauai at 5.1 million years old and isn’t getting any younger.

But don’t worry If you call Her the Big Island everyone will know where you have been and will want to see your photos.

Happy Aloha Hump Day!
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