Happy Turkey Hump

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Happy Turkey Hump

Did you know that today’s Hawaiian turkeys came from Texas in the 1960s as a game bird? Earlier turkeys came from Europe and China in the 1700-1800s but todays were for hunting; a Thanksgiving tradition.
Well didn’t work out so good, these turkeys rarely fly, preferring to “hang loose” and walk around the dry Hawaiian landscapes strutting their stuff making a mess wherever the go and go and go.
They are mean spirited enough to scare a 100lb dog into a run dragging his leashed owner behind but they really don’t produce enough meat to hunt them so they invade our neighborhoods and live amongst us.
Every once in a while we get a mother laying eggs in the tall grass, if Elvis gets wind of them he will ever so gently remove an egg or three from a nest and move them to his secrete hiding place, he loves eggs.

Happy Hump Day

The Baldwins

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