Two Hump Day

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reyn spooner face masks baldwin rs-0003.jpg

Bobbi Smith of “Spread ALOHA not the virus” got inspired (her latest video), she designed a new line of Aloha masksfor the Reyn Spooner collection, cutting a whopping 14 masks per shirt. Pops Spooners are touching heroes all over the country.
Another Kane (man) was also moved and donated his assortment of 40 Reyn Spooner Hawaiian (Aloha) shirts. Without hesitation I recognized his name, Yosh – one of the Kona legends of mixology.

 Disney said, “It’s a small small world”. Back in the day, after Pops obtained a new Reyn Spooner, he would rush us in the red converatable to The Kona Inn for an early dinner and a Mai Tai with Mom.
Unbeknownst to Yosh, he was one of Pops favorite bar keeps. Pops would quickly abandon us to model his new colors at the bar talking Reyn Spooner and Bloody Mary recipes with (Yosh). Every time he would expound.
“Can you believe how many Spooners he has?”

A big Mahalo for the overwhelming positive feedback on our previous “Mask Hump” Story.  
A new batch of masks is coming out weekly. Your donations go to feeding the out of work folks of Kona and around the world.
Please feel free to donate money and Reyn Spooner shirts to the cause.

Happy 2 Hump Day


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