Aloha Hump Day,
These classic lava Humps are from 2001 when the brand new hot lava flowed right up to the road and into the ocean making it an easy walk, “at least in the day light”.
It was Ironman week, Birgit and I had just met and were on our first midnight lava date. We drove around and around trying to park, then right up front one opened up, I grabbed my gear bag, handed Birgit the “gotta have tripod” and said, “lets GO!” and started walking (photo fast).
I wanted to wiki wiki (hurry), towards the glowing flow in the distance. I absolutely love the rush of being right next to 1700 degree red hot lava oozing out of mother earth then gushing into her ocean.This I wanted to share with my date.
I guess we all look alike at night because Birgit accidently followed the wrong camera guy into the dark, no trail on rough steaming lava carrying my heavy tripod. Great first impression.
Well after a dozen or so long…… very tense, dark, uncomfortable minutes I found my future bride (Birgit) and together we made these hump shots.
That was a close one, lesson learned, Thank you Madame Pele.
The Baldwins